I’ve spent the last few years trying to crack the dating code and find me a good man. I’ve read books, watched video, talked with people, participated in discussion forums (in stealth mode), and listened to audio programs. When it was all said and done I was able to dive into the dating world with little inhibition and a lot of great expectations. There is some thing to be said about being prepared.

I took everything I learned and started experimenting. I set a vision for 2012 to have a year (and every year after that) of love and liberation! I was determined that this would be my year of love and freedom. I would find my dream man. But it would take putting all that I learned into practice. I also knew I would need to think outside the box and get myself online to meet people. I did it and I’m happy to say that I have meet some really great guys. In the midst of it I lived a No More Crumbs life and had fun.

Now I want to show you how I did it. So many women have asked me how I found such quality men and eventually my boyfriend. They want to know how I stay so positive and upbeat about the entire process. So I decided to create a course and share my secrets with you. It’s a bit unconventional but it works.

The course is called How to Use Smartphone Apps for Smart Dating Ladies Course. Yep it’s a long and maybe weird name but it is a clue into how I find such quality men. The best part about the course is it is FREE! Yep F-R-E-E!!!

I decided to make the course free for a limited time because I really want other women to learn how to date without so much stress and anxiety. I want women to experience fun, freedom, and eventually the love a quality man has to give.

Signing up is easy. Just visit How to Use Smartphone Apps for Smart Dating Ladies Course to get started. When you have completed the course please leave feedback and a review. Also, share the course with other women too. Everybody loves free and everybody deserves a great relationship!