How to know if the new guy you agreed to go on a date with is a good or bad dating option? How do you avoid dating jerks?

It can be tricky because professional daters who are really women haters are hard to spot and analyze. I don’t mean to make it sound like a science project but when it comes to the heart you’ve got to be a professional analyst.

It may be hard pill to swallow because we don’t realize how we are attracting crummy relationships in our lives. Sometimes we don’t know because we are deaf and blind to the things that people say and do, because we want to be in a relationship with someone so desperately.

So we ignore the red flags. We ignore the signs.

What are some of the ways to know that you are about to get in a relationship or begin dating a jerk?

Avoid Dating Jerks Technique #1 – Notice How Treats People


One of the first questions to ask is how do they treat other people? If you are asking questions, if you are observing their behavior, especially if you’ve been in the same proximity with that person for a while, you get to know a little bit about them just by observation.

Honing your observation skills is one of the key ways to keep yourself out of a crummy relationship. That means that you talk less and you listen more.

Avoid Dating Jerks Technique #2 – Notice What He Says About Himself


When you talk less, you’ll be able to hear what that man is saying to you. You can’t allow the fact that he is so good looking get in the way of what you’re hearing.

You can’t allow how much money he makes or you think he makes you get in the way of you observing and truly listening to what’s being said.

So listen more because when you listen, he will tell you exactly what he’s all about.

Very few people can hide their true selves for very long in a conversation, especially if it’s a series of conversations. After you’ve listened to him, you can share a little about yourself.

Avoid Dating Jerks Technique #2.5 – Use Your Ears More Than Your Mouth


WARNING! Don’t share the everything about your life from birth up to the present moment, but only share a little.

Make sure that you’re asking follow up questions, leading questions, questions that will get you more information about who this person is.

If you’re out on a date, observe how they treat other people, how do they treat the wait staff? How do they treat people when you’re driving? Do they have road rage?

Is what you have observed something that is extreme or is it something a simple or tolerable annoyance. Those things help you to know about that person’s character.

Two signs of knowing whether or not you’re gonna be with a crummy person is how they treat other people and what the words that they say about themselves, about others.

You gotta really, really listen. Put on listening ears on and really pay attention.

Watch the video below to hear my explain👇

My name is Samantha Gregory. I am the author of No More Crumbs: How to Stop Dating and Mating for Crumbs and Get the Cake you deserve in 10 Crucial Steps. I just really like educating. Women, especially about how to date smarter, not harder, and also attract quality men.