You get what you expect and accept in life and especially in relationships. If you are getting crumbs (neglect, disrespect, cheating, abuse, lies, disappearing acts, or manipulation) it is because it’s what you expect and/or accept. If you want a different experience (type “Yes” in the comments) you have to change what you expect and accept. Or is it that you don’t think you really deserve it? Making the shift in your thinking and beliefs about your worth is the true path to getting the healthy #relationship you crave. What class, course, webinar or program can I create for you to help you take the steps to get what I know you deserve? What do you need to get past this fear and gather the courage to finally choose yourself and say I deserve and will have my cake! What will make you decide to do something to change your current situation and go from being alone (inside or outside of a relationship) to being fully present inside the relationship of your dreams? You get to decide and I get to facilitate your journey. Let me help you but you gotta stop with the excuses and fear and simply ask. (((Hugs))) from Instagram: